Saturday, November 19, 2011

ArtOfSeeing - photography course in Egypt Alexandria - دورة التصوير الفوتوغرافي في مصر الإسكندرية

Photography course in Egypt Alexandria , Hayat Center
Next Course 27/11/2011 to 04/12/2011
Info / Registration: Please call HAYAT CENTER 01281374401
address: 680 ElHorreya Street, Louran, Elhaq Building, Third Floor - Alexandria, Egypt

دورة التصوير الفوتوغرافي في مصر، الإسكندرية
دورة القادمة اعتبارا من  2011/ 12 /04 إلى 2011 / 11 / 27
التسجيل : يرجى الاتصال

Course description:
  •  Course Name: ArtOfSeeing 
  •  Objective: Acquiring the 3rd eye of Photography & visual art.
  •  Language of instruction: English/Arabic.
  •  Duration: 8 days - 5 hrs/day
  •  Participants: Max. number of participants: 25
  •  age: more than 15 years old
  •  Requirement: almost nothing + any camera if available.
  •  Date: 27/11/2011 to 04/12/2011
  •  Time: 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM
  •  Location: Heliopolis - Lucid Training - Cairo, Egypt
  •  Registration: Please call 01281374401

Understanding cameras, lenses, light behaviors, and other similar stuff are fundamental. They are the tools. But teaching someone, only, how to master type-writing, is not what makes him/her a poet.
Photography is another way to express yourself, through capturing your visual experience & sharing it with others. How attracting is your visual, depends mainly on how you see it.

“Art of seeing” provides comprehensive, visual-art oriented photography courses. Based on international standards, with nontraditional approaches. In which we focus (plus the basic tools) on developing the participant’s visual skills & art concepts.

“I am not interested in shooting different things; I am interested in shooting things differently” Ernst Haas.

Join "Art of Seeing" Facebook page:

Course Content:

1- Introduction:
- Art of photography:
............. Talent: inherited Vs acquired
............. Passion and curiosity
- Painting with light.
- Photography Vs Snap shooting

2- Why my photos turned out not as I saw them? Is the problem in the camera? Does the camera see as I see? ... No, there are 5 differences.

3- Visual art common forms and visual perception guidelines:
- Painting, Fashion, Graphic, Interior decoration, Cinematography,....

4- Establishing Objectives / Concepts: “perception is projection”
- Patterns of meaning
- Feeling of unity

5- Isolation of Center of interest (COI): Your Hero!!
- Depth of field
- Utilize contrast (tone & color)
- Fill the frame

6- Subject Placement:
- Golden rule of thirds & Where to put my Horizon?
- Positive & negative spaces
- Axes orientation

7- Natural framing: Does it add?

8- Balance: What is visual balance, how to achieve it ?!
- Mass balance
- Tonal balance
- Color weight
- Shape weight
- Space balance
- Isolated subjects
- Interesting subjects

9- Utilize meanings suggested by lines:
- Vertical / horizontal / diagonal / curve.
- Geometrical shapes and their inherited meanings.

10- Movements
- Directions
- Patterns
- Freeze & motion blur
- Movements in cinema

11- Mergers:
- Border merger
- Tonal merger
- Dimensional merger

12- Tones:
- Dark / mid / light: which to use & when?
- Contrast x Soft
- Low x High dynamic range
- Ansel Adams zone system introduction.

13- Color philosophy:
- Messages of colors
- Color Wheel
- Aspects of colors
- Color schemes
- Color contrast
- Color impact

14- Textures: Meanings and how to emphasize

15- Perspective: What is that, and how to control it?
- Relative sizes
- Vanishing point
- Angle of view
- “Lens FL + COD” combination
- 3D form: Light / Shadow

16- Simplicity: “Less is more”

17- Breaking the rules: Why, How & when?

18- Creativity: “You cannot depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus” Mark Twain

19- The simple & basic tips for camera and light control. You don’t need more, for now.
- Which camera I should use?
- How to hold the camera?
- Basic exposure concepts & Exposure compensation.
- Sources of light, direction of light & Flash.
- Image recording formats.
- Basics of Depth of Field (DOF).
- Basics of White balance control.
For more information & to register please call 01281374401

About the instructor (Mohamed Ismail):

- Photographer since 1989.
- Member of many visual-art communities & organizations.
- Participated in more than 50 personal and group photo exhibitions, nationally and internationally.
- Professional Advertising photographer since 2000.
- Certified Master Trainer, Irvine, California.


- “From his passion, skills, and amiable personality, I learned how to make and respect a photograph.” Mohamed Tarief - Photographer

- “There was a dynamic change in my photos after that course with M.Ismail, 10 years ago. The trainer, definitely, has the talent to approach his students and transmit the knowledge in a very friendly atmosphere.” Hany Zaky – Photographer, head of the safari dept.-emeco travels, member in ARC & Egyptian environment-saving committee.

- “With his knowledge that I did not reach an end for, his trained eyes, his perfectionism, and dedication to his work, Mohamed becomes a reference of photography for us when we are exhausted and reaching the end of our limits and knowledge." Hany Abdien - Advertising photographer

- "Because of this course, I am seeing everything now in a different way"- Wael Elkady.

- "It's one of the best courses I ever took. I started seeing life with a different understanding; I could feel like doors of perception are opened in my mind, even my writing abilities are changing, and life becomes more colorful !!! This course changes my whole life, begad thank you"- Marwa Nabil.

- "This course has approached, opened, & enlightened those dark closed rooms in our mind... Mohamed Ismail, thank u so much for such an interesting course, after a couple of sessions I realized I'm lucky to start my first photography course with you, I did enjoy it as I never did before. I'm sure you changed our Vision"- Rania El Maghraby.

- "His course was a turning point in my life. Mohamed is one of those who can turn a moment into a beautiful visual experience, and the way he conducts his courses is as beautiful, simple, fun, and comprehensive as he is."- Hala Eldemerdash, Advertising photographer

- "Ya Gama3a... besara7a i missssssssssssss the course"- Youssif Sabry

for more info plz visit:



For administration & registration please call 01281374401

- Your Training Manual
- Your Certificate of Attendance
- Free Workshop

Normal Rate 3000 LE
Discounts valid only for early registration - for more info plz call: HAYAT CENTER 01281374401

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